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Tier 3 - Extra Spicy


Billed $105.84 annually starting Sep 19, 2024

    10% Off All Merch
    Sub Discord Role + Sub Only Text Channel
    Custom Entry Text Message in Live Streams. (Plz Notify of what you want via discord)
    Name shown at the end of every video on Techtacula (Updated Monthly)
    Member Only Feed + Videos
    Member Exclusive Merch + Merch Discounts

Charged now

Tier 3 - Extra Spicy

Billed $105.84 annually starting Sep 19, 2024

    10% Off All Merch
    Sub Discord Role + Sub Only Text Channel
    Custom Entry Text Message in Live Streams. (Plz Notify of what you want via discord)
    Name shown at the end of every video on Techtacula (Updated Monthly)
    Member Only Feed + Videos
    Member Exclusive Merch + Merch Discounts